
Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Name Ideas

For the actual name of my magazine, I have thought about this for a long time and have taken in a great deal of consideration while coming up with a taster of names to be sampled. The name I want to portray in my magazine would have to relate to the genre of rock music and also something the audience would relate this connection with and find striking so that it would stand out in their minds.
Looking at existing rock magazine names I have found that most stick to the one word which is short and bold, and also has symbolic reasons to it. However the few do contain two words joined together, which also work in the same effect.
Following this I have come up with some original names that I could use as my brand identity for my magazine to be known by, they have be chosen carefully as to their meaning and what they represent.
They are: Sound Check, Structure, Deftoned, Witnessed and Sync.

I had gotten the idea for Sound Check because at every gig and band practice  they would do a sound check to make sure everything is in order and works. All of my audience will know what this is and means, giving it a relation to my genre already. They two words also go together in-relation of calling my magazine this because it is short, easy to remember and has a nice ring to it. Sound checks also are a before brief of how the concert should flow and what happens, testing the equipment  which could be a metaphor as my magazine is new and tests new bands, and new music which its main features are. They both have the same topical and pragmatic understanding.

Structure has come from another musical element. As you would have a structure of a song, a structure of a band, and the structure in which you perform songs by. This again is relating its name back to music elements that my audience would also pick up on and find interesting. The name is short and also has a rough, edgy look to it, as it would belong in a rock magazine. There are also bands named after this, such as "Structured, and structures" I have also taken them to get inspiration for this name.

Deftones is a pretty self explanatory name, as my genre of music would be described as being tone deaf and heavy. As the genre of rock produces loud music at a high level in which would be classed as deaf. I have come up with a name that fits this. It suggest that the magazine is heavily based on loud music, however it does have more metal connotations rather than softer rock. However this would convey my genre in the most clearest way ever if I were to chose it.

Witnessed again is a more metal name for a magazine, it sounds more gothical and horror than anything to do with music, however I did my inspiration from an existing band called "Last witness" as there kind of music is the kind you would find in my magazine, which gives it a direct link with the audience. This name is good because it implies new, raw fresh music. As if you have just witnessed a band and found out they are good, they would be in my magazine as that is one of the main features of presenting new and upcoming bands as well as your favourites.

Finally we have Syn which relates to actual music. To have a good performances and make good music, everything has to be in sync and the same paces of things. This describes my magazine to be in good order, and level with the music that it displays. The only problem I have with the name is that it sounds too technical, pop and R&B for my genre of music so my audience may get mixed this magazine up with a different one, the aim of the genre is not clear as I'd like it to be which is a big flaw to the name. 

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